
Thoughts and learning from the data science industry, covering topics such as getting started in your data science career and the development of key skills.

Data science use cases and examples for e-commerce Members Public

Data science and machine learning are incredibly useful tools to use in retail, especially e-commerce retail. In this space there are a multitude of use cases that are available, from natural language processing to behaviour prediction and demand forecasting.

Stephen Allwright
Stephen Allwright

How to get a job in data science without a developer background Members Public

Data scientists jobs are plentiful however many find it difficult to get a job without a developer or computer science background. Here are my four key tips for getting into data science without a traditional background.

Stephen Allwright
Stephen Allwright

What are the most in demand Data Science skills? Members Public

Knowing what to learn or focus on is a key part of improving as a data scientist or getting into the field in the first place.

Stephen Allwright
Stephen Allwright